THQ has announced that the latest downloadable pack of characters and outfits for WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 are now avaialble. These include WWE Legends British Bulldog and Lex Luger; WWE Superstars Wade Barrett, David Otunga and Justin Gabriel; WWE Diva Layla, alternate ring gear for WWE Superstar Shawn Michaels and WWE Alumni Shad, as well as a playable WWE NXT arena.

The content package is now available through the game’s Fan Axxess program, which enables WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 owners to obtain downloadable content throughout the life of the videogame for a one-time suggested purchase cost of 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox Live or $9.99 on PlayStation Network for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system. In addition, the content package will be sold separately for the anticipated cost of 560 Microsoft Points ($7), if you don’t feel like taking the Axxess route.
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